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Have you ever been mentally prepared for a work week on a Sunday evening but not physically ready to show up?

Or Physically ready for the work week, but not ready emotionally or mentally?

I remember sometime last year when I experienced extreme burnout… I kept fighting it, I was showing up wherever I needed to be without breaks. I was emotionally and mentally tired to the point where I believed that I had become lazy, so I tried to counter it… until I fell ill. I had a slight malaria fever but it knocked me out pretty bad. It took me about two weeks to recover.

Ever since, I learnt to slow down and take a step back whenever I feel a burnout coming.

You know, feeling lazy is normal but what isn’t cool is engaging the feeling of laziness too much till it becomes a habit. There are days where you actually need to cut yourself some slack.

Sometimes, fighting that feeling of tiredness or forcing yourself to be prepared when your body, mind and soul is not in sync can cause occasional blackout which could lead to burnout.

Photo credit: Pinterest

And burnout is one of the many steps that could escalate to Depression.

Now, I am not a Psychologist… Or at least, not yet. However, I am sharing this based on my experience with burnouts and mental blackouts.

Somedays, you just need to let yourself be lazy to avoid burnout.

I implore you, as we step into this new week, take your mental, emotional and physical health seriously.

I wish you Peace and Love, Always…


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