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  • Writer's pictureThe City


Some Days, I tend to feel so overwhelmed with life happening so fast and not so nicely too, and it gets to a point where I feel like I’m losing sanity… I then reach out to my friend and I tell him one thing, “I need release.”. Here’s what I meant,

”I need a release” - I’m losing grip over everything … I’m feeling a weight in my chest that needs to leave… I am not productive right… I can’t focus on anything right now… I want to cry but the tears aren’t coming… I need talk and I need you to listen without trying to give response. I NEED A LISTENING EAR, I need release!

It really is annoying that most times even after the release, you tend to feel better for a few hours and then you snap back to reality that your life won’t work itself out, YOU have to work it out.

It’s easy to stay in bed and hope the Universe will come through with your needs. However, it doesn’t work that way… The work needs to be put in.

So, Up I am again… Snarling back at life while working my way through to Stability and Peace!

As much as we give out energy in terms of productivity in our work and other areas of our lives, we also tend take in certain energies and vibes as well, some positive and some negative… Interestingly, The Negative often outweighs the Positive 9 out of 10 times, no matter or mentally disciplined or optimistic a person is. And after a while, this negative energies fuse together to form one big globule of negative energy and the weight, is heavy , compared to the fusion of positive energy… It is at this point that our mind and soul demands a release.

So Dear Reader, Please cultivate the habit of seeking Release… The Future depends on it!

I wish you success, Always!

Yours Truly,


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